Taught by Assistant Editor's’ Bootcamp creator Noah Chamow, the Assistant Editing for Reality Television course is for those interested in working in reality television and covers what is most important for a new/learning assistant editor including ingesting media, exporting cuts, Scriptsync and multi-grouping.

The eight videos will auto-play with a total length of just under 5 hours. To view and jump to chapters, use the descriptions in the YouTube Playlist

Below is everything you’ll need:

If you don’t own Media Composer please install a trial from the download links below so that you are able to follow along. If you have a newer version of Avid that should work fine as well.

Download Avid Media Composer

Download the media for the class

(If you have trouble opening the media on a Mac try installing The Unarchiver)

This class covers the following, and much more:

Why Start as an Assistant Editor in reality TV

  • Union hours

Fundamental Concepts of Video

  • Including resolution, bit rate, frame rate and much more

Understanding Avid Projects and the Interface

  • Avid project structure

  • User interface and settings

  • Using the Avid attic

    Importing and Ingesting Media

  • Importing photos, videos, audio, graphics

  • Linking vs importing

  • Source Settings: Luts, Frameflex

  • Transcoding vs consolidating

    Exporting media

  • Building cuts

  • Creating export settings


  • Formatting scripts

  • Importing scripts

  • Script syncing

    Building a day stack

  • What to do when timecode crosses midnight

  • Creating sub stacks

    Syncing multiple cameras and external audio

  • Adding markers for sync points


  • Understanding multi-groups

  • Troubleshooting multi-groups

Let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at and please sign up for our mailing list below to stay in the loop about upcoming classes!

And if you found this class helpful, feel free to donate below!


The Instructor

Noah Chamow has been working as an assistant editor in reality television on and off for over ten years on projects including NBC's The Voice and Discovery’s Naked and Afraid. Along with assistant editing Noah has worked as everything from a broadcast engineer to a finishing editor and he now works as a visual effects editor on scripted projects. Noah is very passionate about education and through the Assistant Editors' Bootcamp he hopes to help other assistants to hone their skills and help those who are new to assisting to get the experience they need to  get started.